Golden Angels: Pet Loss Book (digital—PDF)


A pet loss memoir with a culinary connection: 13 soulful essays. 13 delicious recipes. Download in full-color PDF for reading on tablets, mobile devices, and PCs.

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A pet loss memoir with a culinary connection:

13 soulful essays. 13 delicious recipes.

Exploring the life lessons learned from the loss of a first beloved dog and the puppy who followed her, each essay closes with a unique recipe that brings the story to life.<

and dogs—add a wonderful, charming twist that makes this book unique.

The book is “a sweet, moving tribute, a love letter, and a testimony to our deep and abiding capacity for love.”

Bringing comfort to anyone who has lost a pet or human loved one, it fully acknowledges the process of grieving and encourages them to begin again when the time is right.

Download the full-color PDF version of Golden Angels: A Pet Loss Memoir<

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